ri_ed - UNIX ------------ Install: 1) FTP the file a:\ri_ed.tar.Z to your server. 2) Type the command: "uncompress ri_ed.tar.Z" 3) Type the command: "tar xvf ri_ed.tar" 4) Type the command: "compress ri_ed.tar" 5) Typr the command: "cd ri_ed" 6) Use your favorite editor to open prev.txt 7) Change the existing number to the last date of present month. e.g. existing number -> 30 last date of March -> 31 change 30 to 31 8) Save and exit. 9) Use your editor again to open ri_ed.xls 10) There should have 31 lines. Please delete the number of lines until it reach to number of lines of yesterday date. e.g. existing number of lines -> 31 lines today date -> 1st yesterday date -> 0 lines so keep 0 lines and delete all 31 lines! e.g. existing number of lines -> 31 lines today date -> 15th yesterday date -> 14 lines so keep only 14 lines and detele 17 lines! 11) Save and exit. 12) If you use Windows 95 then continue to step 13, otherwise you can begin now or see the "readme" file! ri_ed - Windows 95 ------------------ Install: 13) Copy the whole directory a:\ri_ed to anywhere you want e.g. c:\ri_ed 14) Use Notepad to open c:\ri_ed\server1.txt 15) Change first lines "login name" to your server login name. 16) Change second lines "password" to your server password. 17) Change the path of the line 4 to the location of the Unix server. 18) Save and open c:\ri_ed\ri_ed.bat 19) Change the ip address from "" to the ip address of your server and save it. 20) Create a shortcut that pointed to c:\ri_ed\ri_ed.bat If you have more than one server then continue to step 21, otherwise you can begin now or see c:\ri_ed\readme.txt file! 21) If you want to add one more server to it, then add "ftp -s:server2.txt ip-address" and save it. 22) Create another file call server2.txt that similar to server1.txt and do step 14 to 17 again. 23) If there is anymore question, there is a c:\ri_ed\readme.txt file to find more informations. Additional Information ---------------------- It would be more nice if you use a "Colorado.ico" file that provided for you at c:\ri_ed\Colorado.ico when you create a shortcut.